F2R 2024 Motorcycle Fair Brings Together a Record 88,600 Participants this Year in Medellín
Feria de las 2 Ruedas 2024 (F2R) (2-Wheel Fair), the leading motorcycle event in Colombia, brought together a record 88,600 attendees in Medellín from May 2-5.
Participation in the 16th edition of the annual fair beat the previous high and included nearly 3,500 accredited members of the international business community from more than 40 countries, including most of Latin America, Japan, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, India, Afghanistan, and more.
Of the 450 total exhibitors, 106 were international, including 12 first-time foreign exhibitors and a large presence of industry companies from Asia.
In terms of economic impact, F2R 2024 generated more than $20 million USD for the city, according to the Secretariat of Economic Development of Medellín, and helped facilitate upward of $60 million USD in sales, both between exhibitors in large-volume transactions and in sales to the general public who attended. More than 1,400 motorcycles were sold during the show, according to organizers.
Feria de las 2 Ruedas 2024 Highlights
The following is a rundown of some of the highlights, events, and educational sessions that took pace during F2R 2024 from the event’s organizers.
Academic events and connections
Around 25 academic and networking events were held at F2R 2024, consolidating the fair as a space for knowledge, competition and development, with the participation of more than 7,000 attendees. Castrol’s “Soy Tribu” Talk was the most visited, followed by the Leo Industries Workshop on Good Practices in Electrics for Motorcycles, the VI Update Seminar on Motorcycle Mechanics, the X Biker Women’s Forum, among other highlights.

(Photo credit: Loren Moss)
Sporting events brought together daring sportsmen and enthusiasts
The sporting events of F2R 2024 were an exciting spectacle that attracted elite athletes and motorcycle lovers. From stunts and techniques to competitions, these events highlighted talent and prowess in the world of two wheels.
Events such as the Stunt Nitrox Cup and the Stunt Betplay Festival, the acrobatics of Freestyle BMX, Flatland and the CRC – GW BikeTrial; and the GYMKHANA AKT competitions brought together more than 20,000 spectators who gathered to enjoy the action and adrenaline, creating a vibrant and passionate atmosphere at the fair.
Within the framework of the Stunt Cup championship, the winners were:
- High displacement category: first place – Pablo Zapata (Vocha); second place – Andrés Marín (Musingo); third place – Ángel Palacios (Chus Stunt)
- 2T expert category: first place – Neider Messino (Neiderstunt); second place – Cristian Zuluaga (Crz Stunt); third place – Yeimer Hernandez
- Rookie category: first place – Daniel Londoño (Thedannystunt; second place – Jhon Jairo Patiño (Kokostunt); third place – Luis Bernal (Bernal Stunt)
- Women’s category: first place – Angie Camargo (Mona Stunt); second place Veisy Salcedo (Veisy Stunt); third place Paulina Vélez
Product launches with the new Connection Gateway
In this space, 23 brands specializing in motorcycle parts, accessories, and equipment exhibited their product innovations and presented their launches through parades, shows and experiential shows.
Test Drive track
As part of F2R, more than 3,800 test drives were carried out on the Test Drive track, giving visitors the opportunity to experience first-hand the presentations and features of 51 motorcycle models.
Medellín’s Mayor’s Office and F2R supported entrepreneurs in the city
F2R 2024, along with the mayor’s office of Medellín, joined forces to promote the talent of local entrepreneurs, who have the vision and passion to create, innovate, and contribute to the economic growth of the city. Through programs and resources, they supported 10 entrepreneurs to promote products and services during the four days of the event.
Upcoming Events & Opportunities
F2R extends an invitation to participate in the next edition of the fair from May 15 to 18, 2025.
Likewise, you are invited to join the Expo 2 Ruedas in Bogotá later this year, from August 1 to 4, an event that results from the alliance between Prisma and Corferias that will be held with the aim of promoting the motorcycle industry and alternative mobility through exhibitions and innovative experiences.
(Photo credit: Loren Moss)