The ride-hailing service will begin a trial program of accepting cash payments throughout Colombia, where previously only card-based transactions were permitted.
The telecom giant must pay back $2 million USD to clients who incurred an irregular charge while switching service plans, says the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce.
While Colombia is the best over-performer in all of Latin America, "this does not mean there is room for complacency," states the new report from Telefónica.
With a 3% market share of printed circuit boards in Colombia and global ambitions, the Medellín-based Invertrónica is pushing for greater growth and international reach.
Using Microsoft's Azure technology, the companies say they will offer improved data services, increased security, local currency payments, and account management.
She will oversee Unisys teams in both Bogotá and Rionegro, Antioquia, in addition to running three other service desk operations throughout the region.
Andrés Garzón and Santiago Castro discuss Jobsity's journey, the benefits of exploiting niches like Drupal, and how values-based hiring has helped the company grow the right way.