102 Colombian Municipalities Facing Drinking Water Shortages Due To Drought, Up From 32
Minvivienda, Colombia’s Ministry of Housing has announced in a follow-up study to one completed last month that the number of municipalities affected by the lack of rainfall has increased to 102; this even though several areas in the country have experienced heavy rains.
“Although in some areas of the country such as Bogotá, Piedecuesta and Chinchiná there have been heavy rains, according to Ideam forecasts, the dry season is expected to last until the end of March. Our call – both in drought and in the rainy season – is to keep emergency and contingency plans active since in either of these situations the aqueduct systems can be affected,” said the Deputy Minister of Water & Sanitation, José Luis Acero.
The new follow-up report on public potable water supplies in the country records an increase of 31 municipalities with shortages due to low rainfall. These new populations are located in the departments of Cundinamarca, Magdalena, Santander, Tolima and Huila.
“To date we have 102 municipalities that have registered some degree of affectation in the provision of water supply suitable for human consumption. It is important to clarify that the estimate of water required for emergency situations is based on a calculation of 25 liters per capita per day, this estimate is made for the requirement of the entire urban population, which does not imply that these are current needs, given that not all of these municipalities have shortages in all urban areas,” explained the Deputy Minister.
The new populations with some degree of supply deficiency in their aqueduct systems are:
- Apulo
- Beltrán
- Cabrera
- Chaguaní
- Caparrapí
- Chocontá
- El Peñón
- Guayabal de Síquima
- Jerusalem
- Junín
- La Palma
- La Peña
- Nilo
- Paratebueno
- Quipile
- San Juan de Rioseco
- Sibaté
- Tocaima
- Topaipí
- Ubalá
- Viotá
- Yacopí.
- Pitalito
- Aipe.
- Piñón del Carmen
- San Sebastián de Buenavista
- San Zenón.
- Cabrera
- Capitanejo
- Girón.
- San Luis.