Colombian Government Launches Digital Inclusion Initiative For Indigenous, Afrocolombian, Roma Populations
Colombia’s Ministry of Information & Communications Technologies (MinTIC) last week announced a package of projects and activities to boost digital inclusion and promote the voices of ethnically distinct communities throughout Colombia. The initiatives include training on digital content production and support for indigenous communication events.
One such project is the “El Buen Vivir” three-part documentary that features the U’wa, Guna Dule, Arhuaco, Wiwa, Wayúu, Makuna Barasano, Uitoto, Pasto and Kametza. Another is the “Autonomías Teritoriales” documentary produced with nine indigenous groups from the Cauca region in Southwest Colombia.
The ministry also announced a formal meeting with representatives of the Kumpanias, or Roma clans (commonly known as Gypsies or Rrom) to take place once a year, and a continuation of digital content support for Afrocolombians such as the productions during 2019 in Bojayá, Chocó and La Boquilla, Cartagena.
“The national government promotes these types of initiatives that seek to promote cross platform content of public interest at both a national and regional level, contributing to the recognition of diverse ethnic and cultural identities, gender equity, social inclusion, national integration, strengthening of democracy, and access to knowledge,” said Iván Antonio Mantilla, the deputy minister of connectivity and digitalization.
Photo courtesy MinTIC