US Embassy Warns Of Motorcycle Protests In Cartagena, Airport Traffic May Be Affected
The Motorcycle Workers Union plans to block traffic at 33 intersections throughout the city to protest “pico y placa” and restrictions barring motorcycles from using all the city’s main roads.
The demonstration is expected to begin at 5 am at the Patio Portal de Transcaribe and will extend to various points in the city, blocking the entire Pedro de Heredia avenue, in both directions. This protest potentially will block access to and from Bocagrande, El Centro, South Cartagena, Manga, and the Rafael Nuñez International Airport. There have been threats that some protest participants may engage in violence.
U.S government personnel in Cartagena have been advised to telework.
Large crowds confronted by police or anti-riot forces may turn violent rapidly. If you need assistance, please contact us at the phone number and/or email provided below.
As a service to readers, this message has been reprinted in its entirety as issued by the US Embassy in Bogotá.
Actions to Take:
Avoid protest areas.
Avoid crowds and demonstrations.
Be aware of your surroundings.
Monitor local media for updates.
Plan for alternative travel routes or remain in place if travel becomes difficult.
U.S. Embassy Bogota, Colombia
Tel.+57-1-275-2000 or 601-275-2000
[email protected]
U.S. Consular Agency, Barranquilla
[email protected]
U.S. Department of State – Consular Affairs
1-888-407-4747 or 1-202-501-4444
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