CINTEL Announces Over $60 Million USD Of Business Conducted During ANDICOM IT Industry Convention
The Andes region’s largest and most important IT industry event, ANDICOM returned to an in-person format after going virtual last year due to the COVID pandemic. From November 17 to 19 more than 2,800 attendees gathered in Cartagena under strict biosafety standards and protocols. All attendees had to show proof of vaccination upon every entrance.
The event saw participation of more than 1,250 companies and 180 speakers across 80 academic sessions on the agenda. The directors of CINTEL, the organizing body of ANDICOM, say that businesses transacted during the days of the congress exceed $60 million USD.
ANDICOM 2022 will be held in Cartagena de Indias from August 31 to September 2.
“The networking at ANDICOM is constant: the search for business opportunities, the identification of commercial allies, the knowledge of new projects in the public and private sector, the identification of new job opportunities, the technological update, opportunities for new ventures, enrich each once again our highest meeting of the ICT industry in Colombia and in the region,“ said Manuel Martínez Niño, Executive Director of CINTEL.
The opening keynote was given by Colombia’s President, Iván Duque, who emphasized sustainability to face the climate crisis. “We want Colombia to project itself as the world leader in sustainability, which allows it to be the second most biodiverse country in the world and to have a transforming force towards the fourth industrial revolution that every day positions us as the Silicon Valley of Latin America,” said President Duque.

Minister of Information and Communication Technologies, Carmen Ligia Valderrama Rojas
During the closing of ANDICOM, the new Minister of Information and Communication Technologies, Carmen Ligia Valderrama Rojas, presented her ministry’s ICT sector roadmap, again highlighting the importance of sustainability. Valderrama announced that the Duque administration will be issuing a decree increasing the caps for wireless spectrum below 3 GHz and will define a new category for spectrum in bands between 3 GHz and 6 GHz to enable the allocation of the 3 GHz band, which currently has about 400 MHz available for 5G.