Bribes? Kickbacks? Uribe’s Congressman From Risaralda Apparently Confesses In Campaign Speech
Politicians are often called out for denying their pecadillos, but Colombian congressman Gabriel Vallejo from Alvaro Uribe’s Centro Democratico party seems to be proud of his political ethics. In a recent campaign speech with his wife at his side, the politician from Risaralda, a department in the heart of Colombia’s coffee growing region said (in Spanish):
“If it’s bad politics to ask for contracts, if it’s bad politics is to demand bribes, if a bad politician is one who demand kickbacks, if a bad politician forgets to give accounts and listen to the citizens, I am the worst politician of all!”
¡Uy venga como así! Coimas, contratos, comisiones … Ya no le da ni vergüenza al congresista Gabriel Vallejo Chujfi del CD de #Risaralda aceptar su actuar.
— Alejo Mejía Cárdenas ?? (@AlejoMejiaCar) January 12, 2022

Gabriel Jaime Vallejo Chujfi – Photo courtesy Colombian Congress