Red Alert For Yellow Fever Outbreak Around Huila, Colombia
The Secretary of Health of Huila, Colombia has issued a Red Alert for rising numbers of confirmed yellow fever cases in Huila, Colombia. Travelers planning to travel to the Huila and Popayan region southeast of Cali, Colombia are encouraged to talk to their medical provider about proper precautions to take to prevent infection. Information about the Yellow Fever Vaccine is available on the CDC’s website at
A list of zones at high risk for yellow fever in Colombia is available on the Colombian Ministry of Health’s website:,-a-vacunarse-contra-la-fiebre-amarilla-.aspx
Actions to Take:
- Avoid travel to Huila, Colombia.
- If traveling to Huila, Colombia consult your medical provider for advice on proper precautions to take when traveling to a zone with high risk of yellow fever.
As a courtesy to readers, this message has been reprinted in its entirety as issued by the US Embassy in Bogotá.
U.S. Embassy Bogota, Colombia
Tel. +57-1-275-2000 or 601-275-2000
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U.S. Department of State – Consular Affairs
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