Mazars Appoints Local Partner in Colombia to Take on Global Accounting Giants
Global accounting and tax organization Mazars has elevated its membership with Colombian firm MCA Auditing & Accounting, appointing the local firm as a full member of Mazars as of January 1 by the general assembly of the group.
At a cocktail reception held last Wednesday April 18 at the Metropolitan Club of Bogotá, Mazars members from around the globe, clients, and dignitaries gathered to commemorate the relationship. Previously, MCA Auditing & Accounting had been a correspondent of Mazars, representing the firm but not fully integrated.
Finance Colombia was in attendance, and able to gather thoughts from partner Carlos Andrés Molano.
Above photo (left to right): Mazars partner Carlos Andrés Molano, French Ambassador to Colombia Gautier Mignot, Mazars partner Carlos Augusto Molano. (Photo credit: Loren Moss)
Finance Colombia: You are the new partner for Mazars in Colombia, but the firm’s presence is not new here. Please explain how your relationship has evolved? How did it start and what does it mean to now be a partner?
Carlos Andrés Molano: It started in 2012 when I started working in Mazars Spain. I came back to Colombia February 2015 to lead the integration process. I also spent seven years in California, seven years in Spain, and three years in China. Being a partner is very important, as it gives us an international platform, where we can serve our clients anywhere in the world.
Keeping in mind that Mazars is a partnership, and we are fully integrated financially and operationally. We as partners (950 partners) get together to define strategy, approve consolidated financial statements, approve investments, among other things. It is a true worldwide partnership, and the benefit for our clients is that they are working with one firm worldwide.
Finance Colombia: Why Mazars? What sets Mazars apart from other large global accounting firms?
Carlos Andrés Molano: The partnership, stewardship, quality of its services and most important the quality of its people. One firm, one vision, one solution worldwide.
Finance Colombia: What kinds of companies choose Mazars? What is your client profile?
Carlos Andrés Molano: SME and multinationals are the most typical clients. One of our main focus in Colombia is working with foreign investment and advising them in all their requirements when entering our market.