Jorge Castaño Gutiérrez Appointed Financial Superintendent
Colombia’s finance minister Mauricio Cardenas, through decree 0602 issued on April 7, has appointed Jorge Castaño Gutiérrez as financial superintendent. Castaño has worked with the financial supervisory authority for the past decade, and has most recently served as the director of research and development for the agency. During his tenure, he coordinated the FSAP (Financial Sector Assessment Program) which positioned the agency as one adhering to the highest international standards (such as IAIS, Basel, IOSCO) for regulatory authorities in the banking, insurance and security sectors.
Castaño has also headed Superfinanciera’s participation in various working groups with multinational organizations such as the IMF, the Association of Supervisors of Banks of the Americas (ASBA), the Financial Stability Board, and COSRA (Council of Securities Regulators of the Americas).
Above: Castaño (left) is congratulated by finance minister Mauricio Cardenas
Castaño has taught undergraduate and graduate law and finance at the Universidad Externado de Colombia, and the Pontifica Universidad Javieriana. He has specialized in financial and securities law, and has also obtained a masters in economic development from the Carlos III University of Madrid.