ISA Wins Second Straight Alas20 Award for Corporate Governance Excellence
For the second straight year, Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. (ISA) won the Alas20 award for the Leading Company in Corporate Governance in Colombia. Handed out annually by GovernArt in Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, and Peru, the Alas20 honors are designed to showcase Latin American companies that display environmental, social, and corporate governance excellence.
“The importance of this category is that it allows to know the corporate governance practices of the company by presenting to all its stakeholders how the company is being directed and managed towards sustainable development,” said GovernArt, which is headquartered in Santiago, Chile.
The Medellín-based public utility and holding company, better known as ISA, beat out nine other candidates for the award: Almacenes Éxito, Avianca Holdings, Bancolombia, Carvajal, Ecopetrol, Grupo Argos, Grupo ee Inversiones Suramericana, Nutresa, and Protección.
“This award evidences the importance ISA gives to a responsible, transparent, and ethical management of its business and its contribution towards the development of the communities where it operates,” said ISA in a statement.
Eight judges decided on this and all the other Alas20 awards handed out in Colombia. They were: Santiago Madriñan de la Torre (CECODES-Desarrollo Sostenible), José Francisco Aguirre (Compartamos con Colombia), César Caballero (Cifras & Conceptos), Ernst Ligteringen (GRI), Jorge Emilio Sierra (RSE Consultoría), Alberto Galán Sarmiento (Patrimonio Natural – Fondo para la Biodiversidad y Áreas Protegidas), Miguel Gómez Martínez (Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración), and Alejandro Martínez Villegas (AMV Consultores).