Considering Doing Business In Colombia or Latin America?
Leverage the expertise & on-the-ground experience of the publishers of Finance Colombia.
The publisher of Finance Colombia, Loren Moss, backed by an experienced multinational team of professionals stands ready to place our over 15 years of in-country experience at your disposal to help you accomplish your goals, whether they are oriented towards entering the region as a market, an investment, or for expansion in your operations.
Leverage our deep experience & local expertise to ensure your mission is successful.
We already have a well developed roster of satisfied government, corporate and entrepreneurial clients from across the globe, and can gladly share letters of recommendation with you from large multinational service providers, fast moving media and technology firms, foreign governments and traditional exporters in the mining, petroleum and construction sectors.
Based on your needs, this is what you get:
- Accompaniment and assistance with in-country business meetings or trade visits
- Logistics, including ground travel, translation & interpretation as needed
- Meetings with local Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs)
- Research and due diligence, including in-depth reports, evaluation & analysis
- Candid and frank guidance on business culture, social aspects, security, risk, and similar sensitive issues.
- Assistance with researching and selecting professional services such as law firms, PR agencies & accountants
- Introductions and meeting arrangements with counterparts in local & national government
- Site selection, and preliminary location surveys prior to your visit
- Coordination of contracting local temporary contractors & talent (for example, during trade shows)
- Transportation & security (when necessary)
- Identification, research & due diligence on potential partners, customers, or investment recipients
- Leverage into our vast network of contacts. As media, we have established extensive contacts and data sources throughout the region’s primary actors in the public and private sector
- Confidentiality: We are willing to work under NDA and as such will not report on your activities. Engagements are separate from Finance Colombia’s media function and contracted by a separate entity.
- Physical Asset Due Diligence
Experience & Expertise in Colombia & The Andes, The Caribbean, North America
This is what you don’t get:
- Biased information: We don’t take compensation from parties we identify on your behalf, such as law firms, accountants or real estate brokers. We work with a fiduciary responsibility to you as our client (should you enter into an engagement with us).
- A sales pitch. We have nothing to sell you beyond the services listed here. We offer our services to help you make the best decisions and accomplish your goals, whatever they may be.
Contact us using this form, or the Whatsapp icon at the bottom right of the page for a free brief discussion.