Colombia’s Law Reducing Work Week From 48 To 42 Hours Takes Effect
In July of 2021, the Colombian Congress passed Law 2101 of 2021 which beginning in 2023, reduces the Colombian standard work week from 48 to 42 hours, while keeping salaries in effect unchanged. The 42-hour workweek may be spread over five or six days, while leaving at least one day, traditionally (but not necessarily) Sunday, for rest.
The new law reduces the standard workday from 10 to 9 hours. Those working more than 42 hours per week are entitled to overtime premiums of at least 25% for daytime hours, and up to 75% for nocturnal hours.
Employees may work more than the standard working hours, but overtime pay rates must apply.
Employees exempt from the hourly restrictions include managers, “positions of trust,” domestic workers, intermittent workers, and watchmen who reside on-premises. Non-exempt employees may not be required to work two shifts in a single day.
To the benefit of employers, the new law repeals Law 1857 of 2017 and Law 50 of 1990 which required employers to provide paid family, recreational, cultural, sports, and training time off.
Above photo: Construction workers labor to complete the Hidroituango hydroelectric project (photo © Loren Moss)