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Colombia’s Coronavirus Curfew Extended An Additional 2 Weeks
Posted On April 21, 2020
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Tag: Bars, Bicycles, clubs, colombia, colombian, commercial aviation, construction, coronavirus, covid-19, covid19, curfew, employers, Government, health protocols, humanitarian flights, isolation order, Iván Duque, Manufacturing, medellin, metro, pandemic, parties, president, quarantine, restaurants, Schools, universities
Last night, Colombia’s President Ivan Duque announced the order to extend Colombia’s national preventive isolation order an additional two weeks, at least until May 11. Duque indicated that however the manufacturing and construction sectors were being allowed to return to work under strict health protocols.
The president also announced:
- Except for humanitarian flights, all commercial aviation remains closed until June.
- Inter-city bus service remains closed.
- Mass transportation such as municipal buses or Medellín’s metro must run at no more than 35% capacity. The president suggested that Colombians opt for bicycles when possible.
- The president insisted that all employees and employers able to implement teleworking modalities to do so.
- Mass gatherings such as concerts, meetings and parties remain prohibited.
- Bars and clubs are to remain closed.
- Restaurants may continue to operate under home-delivery only.
- Schools and universities remain closed, except for those employing 100% distance learning.
The president also announced that Colombian government-provided social protection programs will continue to operate, and that protection of the elderly is of the highest priority.