Colombian Power Company Isagen Issues $263 Million USD in Bonds
Colombian power company Isagen S.A. E.S.P. recently issued some $263 million USD (750 billion pesos) of bonds. Demand for the notes, which the company stated as 1.4 trillion pesos, was nearly twice as great as the amount that was issued, according to Isagen.
The issuance came in three forms: 375 billion pesos of series A notes with a seven-year fixed rate of 7.12%, 225 billion pesos of 12-year series C notes with an IPC rate plus 3.56%, and 225 billion pesos of 30-year series C notes at an IPC rate plus 3.99%.
This is expected to be the first of multiple issuances forthcoming from Isagen.
The placement was made on February 27 through a Dutch auction via the electronic system of the Colombian stock exchange, Bolsa de Valores de Colombia (BVC). Credicorp Capital Colombia S.A. acted as the placement agent, said the hydropower generation firm.