Colombia Investment Summit Seeks Foreign Direct Investment & Strategic Alliances
The 5th annual Colombian Investment Summit is being held October 29 & 30 in the Grand Ballroom of the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Bogota. Sponsored by Colombia’s Ministry of Commerce, Industry & Tourism along with Colombia’s investment promotion agency ProColombia, the event has confirmed the attendance of Colombia’s president Iván Duque and over 500 ministry heads, senior executives of multinational companies, international investors, and entrepreneurs seeking to establish operations in Colombia, enter Colombia as a market, or find export and import opportunities.
Academic seminars and workshops will take place on October 29 and a business conference on October 30. Special breakout sessions will be held for the Orange Economy, clinical studies, infrastructure, agribusiness, renewable energy, manufacturing and tourism. Foreign Direct Investors have been confirmed from North America, Europe, Asia, and Latin America.
“It is the most important meeting with foreign investors that the country has, because with this we managed to attract high-impact businesses. The last event we held in 2018 facilitated 27 deals signed by companies that participated in the event, which represent investments of more than US $720 million and the generation of more than 6,400 jobs,” said ProColombia president Flavia Santoro.
“Meetings such as the Colombia Investment Summit open up opportunities for the arrival of greater foreign investment, understood as a vehicle for the recovery of our economy, and that contributes to the fulfillment of the goals of the National Government in terms of competitiveness, development and growth with equality. We will continue working on the creation of incentives to attract large foreign direct investment projects and to optimize the free zone model as a driver of regional development. In the same way, we will focus on creating sectoral tax schemes and, also, on promoting red carpet strategies that bring together tax, institutional, regulatory, legal, financial tools, mainly, and that to date show satisfactory results,” said the Minister of Commerce , Industry and Tourism, José Manuel Restrepo.
ProColombia is the agency responsible for promoting foreign investment in Colombia, non-mining energy exports, international tourism and the country’s image. Through a national and international network of offices, the agency offers support and comprehensive advice to foreign direct investors, through services, programs and advice aimed at facilitating the design and execution of investors’ successful entry into Colombia.
“Colombia is consolidated as an ideal destination for direct foreign investment. We are a country of regions with different development foci throughout the territory and with great opportunities for entrepreneurship and creative industries, agro-industrial development, tourism, manufacturing and specialized services that can contribute to our country having an economy thriving and outstanding in the region, ”said Flavia Santoro.
“We want to extend an invitation to businesspeople from Colombia and the world to take part in the Colombia Investment Summit, a space to identify investment opportunities and explore the possibilities that the country offers,” she said.