Caño Limon-Coveñas Pipeline in Colombia Suffers 46th Attack of the Year
The Caño Limón-Coveñas oil pipeline suffered another attack this week by “groups outside the law,” according to state-controlled oil company Ecopetrol (NYSE: EC | BVC: ECOPETROL). The disruption occurred in Toledo in the department of Norte de Santander, causing an oil spill that damaged the Cubugón River.
After learning of the spill, Ecopetrol initiated its response plan set to protect the polluted waters from entering the Arauquita aqueduct that supplies many with drinking water.
Photo: Image of the oil spilled into the nearby river after the attack on the Caño Limón-Coveñas in Toledo. (Credit: Ecopetrol)
The company also notified and began working to mitigate environmental damage with public authorities in the towns of Cubará, Saravena, and Arauquita, and the departments of Norte de Santander and Arauca.
This marks the 46th attack on the oil transport system so far in 2017, according to Ecopetrol, and comes on the heels of two other attacks this month in Teorama in Norte de Santander and Saravena in Arauca.
In a statement, Ecopetrol said that it “rejects these illegal actions” that endanger people, damage the environment, and harm neighboring communities.
The company also revealed that it had identified an additional 10 holes, presumably made by those trying to siphon oil from the pipeline, in the Caño-Limón Coveñas pipeline.