Álvaro Guillermo Rendón López Is Installed as New Head of EPM
Medellín’s new mayor Daniel Quintero appointed attorney Álvaro Guillermo Rendón López as the new general manager of Colombia’s largest utility company Empresas Públicas de Medellín, or EPM. Rendón was installed on January 2, replacing outgoing engineer Jorgé Londoño De La Cuesta, with a term running through 2023.
Rendón López has a postgraduate degree in Administrative Law from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellín and in Economic Law from the Externado University of Colombia in Bogotá. Rendon was a participant in the National Constituent Assembly that drafted the Political Constitution of 1991, representing the energy and hydrocarbons sector and in the Special Legislative Commission that was instituted for its regulation.
With extensive experience in the academic, public and private sectors, Rendón has served as Auditor General of the Republic, Advisor to the Administrative Management of the Oleoducto (Oil Pipeline) de Colombia company, General Secretary of the Territorial Financial Development Agency (Findeter), Advisor to Bavaria for the study of the reform of the state entities, General Manager of the Cooperative of Municipalities of the Department of Antioquia (Co-municipalities), Director of the Legal Office of the Colombian Polytechnic institute Jaime Isaza Cadavid, and several other positions
Rendón has been a professor at the universities of Santo Tomás, Sergio Arboleda, Pontificia Bolivariana and the Higher School of Public Administration (ESAP). He has also been a guest speaker at Georgetown University in the US.
In assuming the position, the new General Manager indicated that “the community will be our priority to work every day, with the purpose of contributing to its well-being and development. We all are EPM.”
EPM is based in Medellín and owned by the city, but with international operations in Colombia, Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico and Panama, and lines of business encompassing aqueduct, sanitation, gas, solid waste management, generation, transmission and distribution of energy, wastewater management and seawater purification. It is the largest utility company in Colombia and currently serves 20 million people.