AGROEXPO Agricultural Exhibition Returns To Bogotá’s Corferias Convention Center
AGROEXPO, Colombia’s largest agricultural industry event, is returning to the Corferieas exposition complex in Bogotá, Colombia from October 22 to November 1st under strict biosafety measures, after a pause last year due to the COVID pandemic. The event has brought together industry leaders for more than 40 years, becoming the gathering of record from Central America throughout the Andes and the Caribbean.
According to Colombia’s National Department of Statistics (DANE), agriculture was the only growth sector in the country during 2020, with a 2,8% year to year growth. Despite the pandemic- induced economic paralysis, the industry was able to adapt, reorienting its efforts to the domestic market, which during this period has absorbed most of the products initially oriented for exports. The industry increased the production of items such as bananas, corn, eggs and potatoes, in addition to coffee.
The exposition takes place after Colombia experienced record levels of meat exports as well. By the end of 2020, meat exports reached $231 million USD, which represents an increase of almost double the total value of meat exports in 2019. In this period, 29,196 tons of meat and 234,111 head of cattle were exported to countries such as Egypt, Russia, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, among others.
“The agricultural sector is on the rise and this is definitely the perfect setting to get to see examples of that, including cattle, horses, sheep, goats, buffalo; and exhibits of equipment and machinery, including milking equipment, diagnostic kits, refrigeration equipment, fences, facilities, animal nutrition protocols, veterinary services; and the use of other areas such as biotechnology, among other major trends in the agricultural sector. For this version we will have more than 350 exhibitors, representatives from different areas of the country,” said Doris Chingate, AGROEXPO Corferias Project Manager.