Cenit, an Ecopetrol Group subsidiary company, has informed that it activated the contingency plan in the pipelines of Caño Limón-Coveñas and Bicentenario to address the emergencies caused by seven attacks that have taken place since last Saturday in Arauca, Boyaca and Norte de...
AM Best has revised its market segment outlook to negative from stable on Colombia’s insurance industry, owing mainly to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic damage, which will strain the segment considerably. A new Best’s Market Segment Report, titled, “Market...
During 2020, Latin American oil and gas companies' profitability is expected to decline to one third of 2019 levels, while cash flow is expected to remain under pressure through 2021 as recovery will likely be protracted, according to a new Fitch Ratings report.
According to Fitch Ratings, Latin America sovereigns' weak public finances make them particularly vulnerable to the coronavirus crisis by limiting both their counter-cyclical policy flexibility and their ability to support post-crisis economic recoveries. The pronounced negative...