Friday, a press conference due to be held at the 2,400 megawatt, $5 billion USD Hidroituango hydroelectric dam featuring Medellín’s Mayor Daniel Quintero was canceled just hours before it was to take place. This was the third consecutive press conference to discuss the project’s...
Isagen states that its motivations are to continue to strengthen its generation matrix, making it more resilient to climate change and contributing to the country's energy transition.
Colombian oil producer Ecopetrol has signed an agreement to purchase the Ministry of Finance & Public Credit's (Minhacienda) share of electrical grid operator Interconectado Eléctrica SA, or ISA.
When the catastrophic flooding occurred on April 18, 2018, 18 transformers had been installed, but were submerged for 9 months when engineers had to flood the power generation chamber to save the rest of the structure. This left the transformers completely destroyed,...
The board’s resignation left the utility’s CEO, Álvaro Guillermo Rendón trying to explain to the media and public why the entire board of directors resigning or the mayor’s actions are nothing to worry about.
Fitch highlighted Isagen's improving leverage position and "adequate" liquidity levels "supported by a healthy cash balance" and "manageable debt structure profile."