4th quarter consolidated revenue amounted to COP 31.8 trillion, net income of COP 6.1 trillion, and EBITDA of COP 14.0 trillion with an EBITDA margin of 44%
Fitch highlighted the company's linkage to the Republic of Colombia, which currently owns 88.5% of the voting shares, as well as the strategic importance of the company for the country.
S&P left Ecopetrol's individual standalone credit rating at 'bbb- ' with stable outlook, the company announced last week, after its acquisition of electrical grid operator ISA.
Colombian oil producer Ecopetrol has signed an agreement to purchase the Ministry of Finance & Public Credit's (Minhacienda) share of electrical grid operator Interconectado Eléctrica SA, or ISA.
The company estimates that in the second half of this year it will also begin wind energy potential measurements in the Colombian departments of Huila and Casanare on land adjacent to its local operations in those regions.
he fact that Ecopetrol has gone public with its intentions indicates the near certainty that a deal has been agreed upon in advance within Colombia’s government. It also reveals an intention of the Colombian government to raise cash without further direct indebtedness, by selling...
Furthermore, Ecopetrol presented in its defense a medical board’s findng that “the former worker has maladaptive personality traits that limit the therapeutic response, despite the multiple pharmacological schemes ordered by psychiatry and the supportive psychotherapy carried out...