Antioquia's new secretary of economic development has obviously done her homework, and has a lot to say on the goals she and the governor's administration has for the area. In this interview, Daniela Trejo speaks with Finance Colombia's Loren Moss on Antioquia's rapid growth,...
This new route will head from the “Sancho Paisa Roundabout” named after a popular restaurant located at the junction where the Las Palmas Avenue leading out of Medellín already meets with the airport toll road and the highway to La Ceja, Antioquia; and head to an unincorporated...
Only 8 months into his term as mayor of Medellín, tomato-throwing Daniel Quintero has managed to unite Paisas from labor unions to corporate giants against him.Multiple boards of directors have resigned, and Fitch has downgraded the city-owned utility's credit, citing 'governance...
The diesel Ecopetrol distributed across Colombia in September had an average of 17 parts per million, just north of the 15 ppm limit mandated in the United States.